Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Destined to Dive??

So, we're in Granada, back from a disaster called Tree Tops, find our old hostel booked out and so move into another one across the street. At breakfast, we're sitting around and we hear someone say he was from Corn Island. Abdel lived in Panama city but was originally from the Corn. What you need to know is that the corn Islands were on top of Nu's list ever since we decided to ditch Ecuador and head into Nicaragua. Problem is that the islands are right across the country and really out of the way to plan a route. Once we got into Granada we began to hear stories of how the weather (rain) was making it next to impossible to do the boat crossing from Bluefields to Corn.

Anyway, we got talking to Abdel and then a few others and were pretty unsure about the trip when Broadfoot, an older American guy staying at the same hostel piped in asking if we had given the Bay Islands in Honduras any thought. We hadn't, in fact we were planning to give Honduras a skip. He made a case for it saying the islands were stunning and that the snorkling and diving spectacular. It definitely sowed a seed. At this point two girls had joined our breakfast group. They had just been to the islands and had just got their diving licenses. Oe of them did it in Utila and the other in Roatan. From their experiences, Roatan was a clear pick. They told such stunning stories about the islands that we were quite sold on it.

We still had some doubts but that night we hung out with some friends we had made in the hostel we stayed at earlier, and in conversation we realsied that one of them was a proffessional wreck diver! After a chat with him, it was clear that the universe was colluding and conspiring to make sure we got to Roatan. Decision made, we picked Native sons , a dive shop that had been around since the 90's with an old hand who used to free dive in his earlier days helming the crew, as our first stop.

Native sons, Alex and Fiona were super as were the rest of the dive crew. Raotan has some 60 dive sites and some fantastic reefs with crystal clear water with beautiful fish, turtles, rays , barracudas and a ton of others I can't name right now.

4 days, some serious studying, painful videos,  final exam and 4 stupendous dives later , all three of us are now certified open water divers!! I hope we can dive again in Mexico...

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