Friday, March 18, 2011


Never blogged before but a few days into the trip and we're beginning to believe this might be exciting.

Anyway for those who don't know us, we're a family of 3, Anu, Unni and Yannick our 11 year old son. We live in Bombay, India.  We're filmmakers and bitten hard by the travel bug. A few months ago while reading an email about a family that set sail after selling everything they owned, we began thinking of our own little journey. Anu jumped into it right away, I had my reservations and fears, as did Yannick.

We have 2 dogs at home, and more importantly its never easy to stop running the rat race and turn away even if only for 6 months. Luckily for us, we have great support at home in Ajji, and Pramod  so the dogs are taken care of. About 2 months ago, I finally made the decision. It wasn't as tough I had expected it to be. In fact it was actually liberating. I had made up my mind and said no to most of the work that came my way. I started thinking of ways to sort out the financial repercussions of such a trip and it began to sink in. It was about this time that a friend of mine and I were working on a script that kept threatening to get green lighted. Anyway things worked out in the way they always do and I was finally free to leave. Of course just when I felt that way the Income Tax authorities decide to show up with a situation that has been dormant for over a few years...

The other big question that we had to deal with was Yannick's school.  The school was super supportive of the trip, and we plan to do some amount of home schooling through the trip, so we're guessing the experience of traveling, new cultures, foods, people, and places should make up for the difficulty he might face when we are back in learning how to divide fractions!

Rule #1 - there will always be a million reasons why you mustn't go, and only one why you must.

So make sure the one reason you must go is overwhelming enough to overcome the other million.

Once the decision was made, the world conspired to make it work out. Antima and Bino friends who had traveled thorough SA for a few months a couple of years ago convinced us to do South America rather than any other place. The few bottles of wine during this chat made the trip even more exciting. Later they would share intimate details like detailed accounts etc that allowed us to budget the trip and get a feel for what we could expect.

We then met Aparna Shekhar Roy, this wonderful traveler who shared routes, tips, friends, and everything she could with us. Like wise others started putting us in touch with friends of friends across South and Central America. We were beginning to feel more and more comfortable. Friends of Aparna's invited us to stay with them in Rio, others were willing to share their experiences so it was all coming together nicely.

We needed backpacks and other equipment, we needed visas to some of the countries at least, we needed to figure out some sort of a travel route and decide to use the weather as the overriding factor in making this decision. We also need warm clothing, something most of us who live in Bombay don't have any of and decided on a kindle rather than carrying bulky lonely planets.  Finally we found couch surfing! It is by far the best way to see the world. We shared our home with a few travelers in the month or so prior to our trip and we hope and plan to share the homes of other couch surfers during this trip to get an real local view of the places we visit! Highly recommend joining up !!

We started work on the visas, and our travel agent helped creating fake tickets and hotel bookings because the embassies in India don't seem to be able to understand the concept of backpacking. We managed to get visas for Brazil / Argentina and Peru. We know have to figure out where we need to apply for the Chilean visa since that is a country we don't want to miss.

Alongside this we figured the best airfares would be to start and end in NYC so that ticket was bought. Sharad and Stella , old friends of ours offered us there house as a base along with all their hiking equipment. An offer we couldn't refuse!


  1. What a great start to your story, guys. Here's wishing you good luck and great adventures. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back.
    We hope you'll swing by Arizona on your way in or out of the U.S.
    Usha & Laura

  2. Bon Voyage..

    looks like a super super time ahead.. n keep writing.

    stay safe. loads of wishes.
    let me know if you need any help from back home.

    Take care you three.

  3. Hey Unni, all the best. I have a friend who sometimes writes for Outlook Traveller. Shall I speak to him and put you onto the magazine? Maybe you can have an article which will appear for the next 6 months, as you travel from country to country. What say you?

  4. hallelujah... well done.. now keep posting every so often...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. hi unni what a great decision..... i am proud of my god's own country man... i wish u and anu nd ur son all the best. really pround of u guys.....

  7. first of all...sorry for not dropping by to say bye to you guys..
    The trip will be amazing and blogging is a nice way to share what is happening... Keep it up!
    Give my love to the rest of the crew!

  8. Thanks everyone... it is as exciting to share these experiences with you guys. Pictures soon I hope. Anyone know how to do that?

    @Vivek... sure man, give your friend my email id and we can chat..thanks

  9. Great way to keep everyone informed - and even better way to document this for yourselves (and especially YSM) for the ages. So excited for you!

  10. Hey Nu,Ni,&Nik !
    All the best, travel safe, keep posting !!

  11. I love "Rule #1 - there will always be a million reasons why you mustn't go, and only one why you must."


  12. Wow ! 6 months on the road - this is going to be one hell of a motorcycle diary ( considering it is South America). Super stuff Unni, wish u Anu and Yannick a safe trip and a lifetime of happy memories. I am still reeling with shock though, my middle class mindset I guess ! Can't imagine doing this ( but something I've always wanted to do), so I'll follow your blog and live it through your eyes. Keep blogging and posting your photo's and when you are back - promise to meet up !!

  13. Hey Manoj , great to hear from you. 6 months is a tough one for anyone so I say leap into it without too much thought . Cheers

  14. Hey beautiful ones how is it going??? where are you now??? The best best sightings meetings, passes and trails.. warm hearts and open doors everywhere you go.. love you
